Clock Tower is a landmark and the town of Bukittinggi West Sumatra province in Indonesia. The symbol is also typical of West Sumatra has a unique story and because he was already decades. Clock Tower was built in 1926 by architect Yazin and Sutan Gigi Ameh. Laying the first stone at this do Rook Maker's first son who was then aged 6 years. This clock was a gift from the Queen of the Netherlands to Controleur (City Secretary).
Being in the Region Bukit Tinggi Padang - West Sumatra
Home » Padang Sumatra Barat ( West Sumatra ) » Jam Gadang Bukit Tinggi ( Hours gadang high hill )
Jam Gadang Bukit Tinggi ( Hours gadang high hill )
Diposkan oleh Datuxs ( Kopral_Sharaph ) on Sunday, July 24, 2011
{ 4 komentar... read them below or add one }
pengen mampir kesana.... pernah di ulas di tv ni
silahkan Gan tinggal lihat adjah alamatny.,., klo ditv dah pernah diulas
tunggu duit dulu deh kalo mau kesana hehehe,
haahhah mantef tu
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